Hairless chests (and more)
Nudist Monday
All the world is a stage
Beach buddies
Necessary men
The word means "essential" or "indispensable." Back in the 1600s and thereabouts, New Englanders also referred to the "necessary house" as a privy. There is a mention of it in the musical 1776 in which the clerk of Congress explains, to the exasperation of his colleagues, that one of the important delegates is absent because he is "in the necessary house." Today the room is the multi-purpose bathroom, and that’s where these guys were photographed. They, too, are necessary. Indispensable. Enjoy.
Yoga and supple men
Roaming the grounds
Closed doors
Prepping for Thanksgiving dinner
Messy rooms
Ripples in the water
Ups and downs
Memories of the shore
Showering under the sky
Road warriors
The comfort of a porch
Falling water
Without a care